How do my build numbers work?

So how do I make my build numbers? It is really simple on how my build numbers work. so if you have ever looked at the strange numbers and the one letter at the end. How do they work? It is actually just the date & time that I uploaded my build (In US centeral time) Here is an example


so the first 2 numbers are the month. In this case it is 01. the second 2 numbers are the day (05) and the 4 next numbers are the year. (2024)

the last section is the time. The first 2 numbers (in this section starting after the year) is the hour (07) and same with the next two but it is the minute (15). the last letter can be A or P which stands for AM or PM.

So all together it would translate to 01/05/2024 @ 07:15 AM.

I hope you found this interesting! Thanks! :) :D

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